That OTHER insurance you should worry about

 I just got a lovely letter yesterday from Blue Cross informing me that my current health insurance would soon be defunct and I better get online today and pick out a new one. And, what a surprise, replicating my existing coverage is going to cost more. I’m not going to get too worked up about this one, because we all knew something had to change with health insurance, right? But what everyone in the country seems to be trying to ignore is the other big health care crisis—long term care.

Thinking about this is hard, painful even to try to imagine yourself feeble and incapacitated. But, with modern medicine, it’s probably going to happen. As a dog trainer once said to me—if your pet doesn’t get killed in a freak accident, you’re probably going to be faced with some day putting them down. Been true with 2 dogs and 9 cats. The few accidents were the worst. Difficult circumstances are easier to handle with some sort of rational plan. You need one for the point when you’re no longer able to roar around on your motorcycle. It appears, given the fight over basic health insurance, that it’s going to be a long, long time before we get any kind of national consensus about taking care of the very elderly.

Think Medicare will take care of you? Ha-ha. Theoretically, Medicare can cover 100 days of service. Getting that service in actuality is pretty difficult—you have to be making progress on rehab, and you have to have spent 3 nights in a hospital. An awful lot of hospitals will park you in the lobby if you’re not out in two, and extreme old age and frailty is not something you can be rehabilitated out of. And even if you (or your loved one) can work the system, what’s your plan after 100 days?

Wowie-zowie it’s expensive. Think $250-$300 per day at the joints around here, and I’m not talking luxury apartment. Assisted living can be less, but real full-blown nursing care is usually a small room that you may be sharing with at least one other person. The more you can pay, the less you share, but some places don’t even have space for single rooms. Can you pay $100K a year in today’s dollars? Will you have a spouse that still needs to live on your savings and your Social Security? And really, when you need it you really need it.  Unless your retirement portfolio plus Social Security generates at least $100K per person in today’s dollars (or you’re willing to liquidate it all and don’t outlive it), you need long term care insurance. Okay, there are some more factors, but your personal set of facts should be discussed with a financial planner—I’m just giving you the pep talk here.

I’ve seen quotes for LTCI that range from $1,500/year (probably inadequate) to more than $8,000 per year, so I’m going to list the key factors that seem to influence cost. These are the basics you will need to think through:

  1. When to get it. The younger you are, the cheaper it will be, the longer you will pay, and the more likely you can still qualify. People in their 40s may be too young (depends on family history, whether your workplace offers it as a group benefit) and after 60 an awful lot of people develop health problems that make it difficult to qualify at a decent rate.
  2. How long you’ll wait before it kicks in. 90 days? 180 days? How long can you afford to cover 100% of the costs before you cry uncle? Lately, 180 days doesn’t seem a whole lot cheaper than 90.
  3. How much per day it will cover. Establishing your personal minimum and maximum requires some work with a calculator—taking into account other sources of income, and who else (your spouse) might need that income while you’re being cared for. Here’s where the cost of insurance starts to really break out—choosing a higher benefit preserves future assets but eats up current ones.
  4. Whether the benefit goes up with inflation. Nursing home costs have gone up much faster than the Consumer Price Index. What seems like a generous benefit today may be chump change in 30 years. I mean, my tuition at the University of Chicago in 1977 was $3,600/year. No, I don’t believe it either. Plans offer 3% inflation, 4%, 5%, and you also need to choose whether compound or simple.
  5. How long it lasts. Tell the agent when you’re going to croak and you can get the perfect term. Statistics say that most people kick off a little less than 3 years after entering a nursing home. If you’ve ever eaten their food or heard some of the entertainment, well…but, 3 years does give your family time to sell the house and re-arrange other investments if necessary. On the other hand, my daughter volunteered at the Mather for 5 years, and there were plenty of residents who had been around 5-7 years. My unscientific observation from her experience was that people who were single with no family to care for them tended to move into residential care earlier, at a point when they were relatively more healthy and lasted longer. People who had an involved spouse or children tended to be able to put off the move until they were much frailer. So weigh your support network as you select a term.

Do take a look at your own health and family history. But keep in mind that your personal habits and modern medicine might keep you alive much longer. For example, my mother’s siblings and parents all died in their 70s. My mother, who gave up smoking in 1963, kept her weight down, was happily married, and ate pretty well (none of which was true for the rest of the clan) made it to 90. Dad, with a very long-lived family, lived on his own until 8 months before he passed away at 96. I think it’s a pretty good bet I’ll collect on that long-term care insurance. Like most of us, I hope I’ll clutch and keel at an advanced age. But I won’t bet my money on it. Which is why I think LTCI is a pretty worthwhile investment.

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Does Your 401(k) Stink? Do You Know?


Ostrich bird

Really, I’m not always angry. I’m pretty calm when I’m petting my dog. But reviewing peoples’ finances does tend to show you a million ways someone has figured out how to cheat people out of their money. Recently, I’ve started to wonder whether corporate 401(k) sponsors are better at it than Bernie Madoff. Or Fabrice Torre. Or whoever is the crook of the day.

One of the ways financial crooks operate is that they count on no one paying attention, or people not understanding investments well enough to question anything. So take a moment—do you know what you invested in in that 401(k)? (I could also ask, do you have any old ones laying around from previous jobs that you’ve forgotten about, or, are you even contributing, but those are subjects for another post.) Typically, people pick investments that are labeled “growth”—who doesn’t want growth?—and to those I say, remember the adage, “Give a dog a good name”. Or maybe it’s a Target Date Fund—often I see several different target dates, because who knows when you’ll actually retire. Ugh.

But even setting aside our own individual dumbness, if you work with any number of companies (even the Fortune 100, who should know better), you’re still stuck, even if you know what you’d like to invest in. The choices are limited, the funds offered are often load, actively managed, and with high management fees. Even if the plan has negotiated a lower rate, it’s still the same lousy fund. Yes, you’re supposed to be given more information nowadays on what those fees actually are, but there’s no requirement to offer you a wider selection of funds.

So, pull out that plan document or go to your employee benefits website. Look for the following:

  1. Are there index funds available in large (S&P 500), mid-cap, and small-cap funds; corporate, government, and international bonds; international developed and emerging markets; and some alternatives (such as real estate, commodities, or, if you must, gold)? It’s pretty hard to build diversification if you don’t have many choices. And if all the choices are stocks, it’s going to be impossible for you to make truly tax-savvy choices as your account builds.
  2. Is it sponsored by an entity with “private banking” in the name? You’re probably being screwed. Law firms and medical practices are particularly vulnerable to pitches that sound elite. The only thing elite about this is the much higher fees and much poorer investment choices—elite for the “private bankers”.
  3. Does Morningstar list the funds? If the funds aren’t publicly traded, good luck trying to get a prospectus or even any statement about what investments are actually in the fund. And forget any ability to actually get an independent opinion, rating, or comparison of them. Oh wait, maybe that’s what they wanted. Some of the descriptions I’ve seen of these private investments can only be described as wishful thinking, er, pipe dreams, er, misrepresentation, er…
  4. Do you recognize any of the funds? Vanguard, Fidelity, American Century, TIAA-CREF—not all have my favorite investments, but at least you’re working with well-observed entitites. You probably haven’t heard of the “Maximize Growth Special-situations Fund”–guess why?

Here’s an issue where well-paid executives are just about as vulnerable as the average receptionist–perhaps more so because their account balances are likely to be larger investments in crummy funds. And even if you’re smart about investments, you still may be trapped without choices.

So, what to do? If you get an employer match, it’s still usually worth contributing. But contributing up to the full legal limit to get the tax benefits? Well, it depends—and for that one, you do need a financial advisor to take a personal look. And, radical thought though it is, you could actually save money outside of your 401(k), where you control the investment choices.

For a really excellent article on what you can do about a lousy 401(k), run out to the newsstand (or subscribe online) to the latest issue of Consumer Reports. They sound pretty angry, too.

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Drown-proofing your finances


House on Fire

House on Fire (Photo credit: dvs)

We all know that we should plan for retirement and our kids’ college education. Like many other things in life, it’s simple but not easy and the how-to keeps plenty of financial planners in business. But what about the stuff you never see coming—anything you can do to protect yourself from drowning in the unexpected?

Have an emergency fund. Yes, it’s obvious in theory but apparently most people don’t believe it because few people have an even barely-adequate one. Yes, you have insurance (you do, don’t you? See below!) but there are plenty of things insurance doesn’t cover. A few:

  • veterinary bills;
  • dental work (insurance is rarely worth the cost);
  • deductibles on multiple policies (such as you drive your car accidently through your garage, or the house and the car burn in a fire or float away in a flood);
  • the cost of repairs or care when insurance doesn’t pay the full bill, one person gets really ill and the other person has to take off work to care for them or investigate or arrange care (unbelievably time consuming),
  • a loved one needs psychological care (few health policies pay the whole cost of this);
  • your car develops sudden, expensive repairs or you suddenly need a new one;
  • the new ones I hear about nearly every week.

In fact, many, many disasters could be avoided if an emergency fund were in place.

You say you have credit cards for that? And so did many of the people now facing bankruptcy because disasters multiplied, forcing them to put more and more on a credit card while they often had less and less income.

You’ll just cash in investments? How about in March, 2009 (market bottom,remember)? Tap your retirement fund?  You’ll either get taxed on that or have a loan to repay. And a lot smaller retirement fund.

Continually upgrade your professional abilities. Join and keep active in whatever networking groups are applicable to your profession. Take any opportunities your company or professional association offers for skill upgrades. Take more classes at night or weekend workshops. If you ever get fired, you’ll know people and your resume will be fresh.

Don’t quit the day job. If you want to start a business, write a novel, change careers, do it part time. That way you can test out the viability and find out whether you really like it. Sure it takes time. Sure you’re tired. Sure it’s hard. Sure it takes herculean discipline. All of which are true, but more so, once you do quit the day job.

Also, after talking to oh so many stay at home moms going through divorces, I strongly advise anyone to keep a part-time or consulting foot in the door of their career. It’s far easier to re-activate a career from part-time than from scratch. Sure you’re madly in love, have the perfect marriage, and will never be in that situation. Unless your spouse suddenly becomes disabled. It happens. And, the impact on your future Social Security benefits can be dismal if you take a decade or two off of earning.

Live below your means and especially control your housing costs. Yeah, I know we’ve all heard it. It’s hard to live in a big city. Anyone can cut back on eating out, travel, and electronics purchases but ratcheting back the mortgage is much harder. Instead of living large for the neighbors, smile to yourself when you compare their new car to how much money you have in the bank, er, no-load mutual fund portfolio.

Don’t have all your wealth in your house. In an emergency you can’t spend equity, and it can be very hard to get a home equity loan if you suddenly have no income. People near retirement should be very careful about using significant cash assets to pay off the house if they have no other savings. (Whether to pay off is too complex and individual to discuss thoroughly here).

Understand what’s in your retirement accounts. Some people are very focused on saving, but park the money in investment choices that are absolute crap. Surprise, you’re 58 and your retirement is a disaster. Listen to the presentations, read the brochures, and learn something about investing. It won’t hurt, I promise.

Never, ever sign for your kids’ college loans. They have a lot of time to repay them. You don’t. If your kids don’t have enough initiative to be participants in their college funding, I wouldn’t say the future looks too bright on the employment front for them, either.  Better clean up that basement room now.

Don’t borrow more than you will make the first year after college (or any other education). That way, you can pay it off in 10 years with a reasonable kick to your future income. If you can’t make it with that level of borrowing (combined with work, financial aid, individual scholarships, and whatever parental aid can be cajoled), you can’t afford to attend a traditional, full time, four year college. There are plenty of other ways to get an education and you’re going to need to explore them. It’s a good thing—you’ll have more self-reliance, more marketable skills, and you won’t decide to major in something dopey. Really, it’s not as hard as paying off a quarter of a mil for a degree in communications.

Don’t do everything for your kids and don’t pay for everything. You set their expectations too high while destroying their own initiative. The kid that has a job in high school (as opposed to 7 extracurricular, paid-for activities) is, IMHO, much more likely to have a job after college! Would your kid be willing to earn part of the money to pay for all those extras? If not, maybe you ought to save yourself the cost of those music lessons, language camps, etc.

Pay attention to insurance. Make sure you have it. Then make sure you re-evaluate it every 2 years or so for coverage and cost. Get some quotes. Be sure the values are current.

Take advantage of any government program for which you are (or your loved ones) are eligible. Veterans benefits, Social Security disability, whatever—don’t be too proud. These programs are designed to provide a safety net and sometimes we all need that net. You paid taxes for it. I paid taxes for it, so use it already. You won’t be the first person going through a divorce who ever applied for food stamps.

Face up to age. Get your estate documents in order. Sacrifice for long-term care insurance. Talk to your parents about their finances, and let your kids in on your “secrets”, too. (Who do you think will be making the decisions?) Don’t stay in your house until you’re too feeble to walk out on your own. Make some plans while you have choices.

Clean up the place. Junk, clutter and deferred maintenance reduce the value of your assets, damage your possessions, and can cost a ton of money to your heirs and anyone responsible for your care should you suddenly become disabled or need to sell in a hurry. Any realtor can tell you about the beautiful home gone to wrack and ruin by terrible housekeeping and neglected maintenance. Anyone willing to buy and repair a wreck is going to expect a discount far exceeding the cost of repairs. After all, they have to factor in THEIR labor cleaning up and fixing YOUR crap.

Pick any one of the above pointers, do the opposite, and you’re living on the edge. Save yourself now! And be careful out there.

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