A Tisket, a tasket, a windfall in my basket



Jackpot (Photo credit: pirate johnny)

A lot of people daydream about winning the lottery, even those of us who never buy a ticket. But like many windfalls, lottery winners often have had a hard time holding on to it. Before we shake our heads at them, let’s see if we’re without sin. Have you held on to your tax refund (which you shouldn’t be getting if you’ve planned correctly, but that’s another matter)? How about that $50 you got as a rebate? The work bonus? An inheritance? Your most recent raise? Ahem.

Wealth is not what you make, it’s what you manage to hold on to. It’s the rare person who dreams about a windfall and thinks to themselves, boy, I can’t wait to invest that! If so, my guess is your profession is either 1) financial planner or 2) actuary. But let’s say you’re a normal person, what should you do? Of course, it depends on the amount (really, $50 is a little different than $500,000), but here’s my advice:

 1.    If it’s a large amount, park it in an on-line savings account, or CD, or some other safe place for at least 3 months until you get used to the idea. What’s a large amount? Anything where your first thought is OMG. You need time to calm down and think straight.

 2.    AT A MINIMUM, save half. Ideally, I’d like to see you save 50%, pay off debts with 40%, and spend no more than 10%. If you don’t have any debts, I’m okay with that 40% going to a long term, needed goal (kid’s education, home repairs, etc.). I’d still rather see you invest it.

 Then what?

I’d do the following, in the following order. If one is already complete, move on to the next. This applies whether it’s $50 or $50,000. (Legal disclaimer: please see a professional who can advise on your individual situation. The following is intended as general guidelines only, and no specific recommendations are intended.)

  • Create or top off your emergency fund so that it’s at least 3 months’ worth of living expenses. Better if it’s 6 months.
  •  Pay off consumer debt. DON’T pay off unless you have an emergency fund, or when the next emergency happens, you’ll just put it on the credit card. This is an ideal method to never get out of debt
  • Invest in a IRA or Roth if you’re eligible
  • If you’re not eligible, invest at least the same amount in mutual funds (or, preferably, that 50%) so you build an investment nest egg.
  • If you still have some of that 40% left, pay off student loans. No student loans? Pay down the principal of your mortgage.
  • Invest in yourself. Get some decent, fee-only advice from someone who won’t sell you a bunch of crap, get savvy tax advice, and nail a good estate attorney to update your documents. Once you’ve got a reliable team working for you, get more education—I don’t care if it’s knitting or an MBA, knowledge is something no one can take away from you, no matter what the market. Consider career counseling. Ignore no-money-down seminars for buying real estate, day trading schemes, and all the other garbage that makes money for the seminar leaders and no one else.
  •  Invest. Educate yourself so you know what you’re doing, and only invest when you understand the reasons for the investment, how you will make money, and what the costs are.
  • Give something to charity. You’ll feel way better about yourself. If you live in the U.S., you’re already wealthier than most of the world. Check out Peter Singer’s website for guidelines on reasonable giving.
  • Make improvements to your home, but only if it will increase the value or repair something that’s really falling apart. This would NOT include a hot tub, pool, or Sub-zero refrigerator.
  • Blow a little. A LITTLE! Max 10%
  • Maybe consider the pleas of your deadbeat relatives.

So now I’ve covered how you should spend your tax refund, your raise, and the money you inherited from your aunt in Azerbaijan. Call me if you win the lottery. In fact, maybe you should call me even if you don’t! And, good luck!




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Is long-term care a women’s issue?


Orange sunset

It’s a pretty good bet that if you read a daily newspaper (some of us still do!) you’ll see at least one scare article per week about how much health care is going to cost you in retirement. Now, these articles have always mystified me, because almost anyone who can afford it is purchasing “medigap” insurance, and anyone who isn’t probably doesn’t have enough money to be worth collecting against. Agreed, there’s a lot of stuff Medicare doesn’t cover, but the medigap stuff, IMHO, has been pretty good.

Of course, there are some things that medigap doesn’t cover either—extensive therapy, experimental treatments, and drugs. Many people find that they slip through the “donut hole” in the Part D drug program, especially if they select a program based on what drugs they’re taking, and then the doctor decides to switch a prescription or they develop a new and uncovered need for a specific drug. However, the specific program can be switched next year. So, where are these huge estimates coming from?

As far as I can tell, most of these projection type studies assume that the cost of these various insurances will inflate over the years. But I don’t see many people having a specific fund or savings program for health care costs—we tend to pay these things (just like a great part of college tuition) from current income. Certainly, the cost of health care should be factored into your overall budget, and just like everything else, you can expect it to inflate.

But where do the really huge numbers come into play? Long-term care. And despite what a distressing amount of people seem to believe, Medicare does NOT pay for long term care. Medicare will pay for 100 days of long term care provided you have been hospitalized for THREE days, and provided you can be certified as continuing to make progress. And boy does the medical system work those qualifications! You have to fight tooth and nail to be kept in a hospital for three days—when my father landed in the hospital while I was out of town (bed-ridden, with pneumonia, and semi-incoherent) I received a call saying that they were releasing him in two days. Since I was out of town and had no way to find a placement for him, I told them they’d have to park him in the lobby. When I arrived at his bedside right from the airport, I was told that he, and only he, could make a direct appeal to Medicare. I’m still not clear exactly what that procedure was, but he was given a phone number and while I watched him gasp out answers, he apparently demonstrated enough illness and incoherence that they kept him another two days.

Fast forward—we placed him in a nursing home. For 100 days at Medicare’s expense? Nope—he collapsed at the “physical therapy” sessions, had to be lifted onto a gurney by three people, and because he was “refusing” to go to therapy (since he couldn’t even turn over), he was no longer eligible for Medicare coverage for the nursing care. Moral: don’t count on Medicare AT ALL for so-called custodial care.

Long term care insurance is expensive, but for most people, paying for that insurance for 20 years isn’t as expensive as one year in skilled nursing care. In this neck of the woods, a semi-private room will cost $275-$300 x 365 days = or somewhere north of $100,000 per year. But that’s not the end of it—every aspirin, mouthwash, or bit of shampoo you consume will also be added on, at nursing home prices.  Compare that to $3,500 for 20 years = $70,000. And what about if you live for several years needing skilled care?—believe me, when you need it you really need it. For some reason, people hate the thought that they might pay for It and never use it. I say, do you have homeowner’s insurance? What’s the likelihood that your house will ever burn down?

So why is it a women’s issue? Well, every single article you see always estimates health care for the elderly as costing more for women—we simply live longer, and that means significantly more costs. But, there’s more.

You may think you have enough assets to cover the cost of nursing care. There’s the side problem that your kids will be thinking about how you’re burning up their inheritance, but maybe you don’t care about that. For couples, though, there’s a sad and ignored scenario. The usually older husband ends up needing care. The elderly wife takes care of him as long as she can, but she’s elderly too, and there’s a serious cost to her own health and well-being, as anyone who has ever done this will attest.

Finally, he ends up in a nursing home, but now a huge amount of their assets, and all his Social Security, are going to pay for costs of care. Yet, except for food, her expenses at home are probably not going down. It’s stunning to see how fast the retirement fund will need to be liquidated. Finally, he passes on and she’s left with 1/3 less Social Security, far less assets, and probably much poorer health. Who’s going to take care of her? When she needs long term care, will there be anything left?

Oh, perhaps you think your children will care for you. Me, too. But having also been a daughter in that position, I can attest that it is much better to be a care manager than a care provider. Even with long-term care funds, your children will be exhausted from all the doctor’s appointments, midnight calls, and rocket rides to the emergency room. I don’t want my daughter cleaning me up, lifting me, and even more unspeakable tasks. I want someone who has professional training, knows what they’re doing and can properly use assistive equipment. And statistics say that it almost always is the daughter, or the daughter-in-law, to whom care-giving falls. One of the consequences of modern medicine is that far more of us are likely to spend an extended time as very frail and very elderly.

If you love your spouse and care about your children, you’ll get long term care insurance. If you as a couple can only afford the premium for one, make it the woman—she’s way more likely to collect on it.

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Achieving your bucket list


Mount Everest from Kalapatthar.

Whether we write it down or not, most of us have a bucket list. This is different from New Year’s resolutions. For example, most of us could probably list “lose weight” as a resolution, but it’s not part of a bucket list. A bucket list would be more like “climb Mount Everest” or “travel to Timbuktu”.  Okay, probably not the last one these days, unless you’re part of the French military. But, is it all just dreaming?

It is if, like just about everything else that’s expensive and time consuming, you don’t have a plan. And if you’re old enough to be reading a financial planning blog , you need a plan to turn those dreams into reality. So, I’d like to suggest some steps which I am currently applying to my own bucket list:

  1. Write it down. Writing it down makes it seem more real, and makes you really think through what you want. Two items on my own list which I’ll use as examples are travel to India and learn at least 4 new foreign languages.
  2. Cost it out. I’ve traveled a lot, but India seems very exotic and very expensive. So I’ve started getting figures on exactly what the airfare would be and how much a two week tour might actually cost. It turns out that the trip might be significantly cheaper than in my imagination, and the web offers plenty of cost saving travel tips. Some bucket list items, like language study, don’t necessarily cost a lot of money but do require a time commitment.  Once you know what you’re after, there may be good “angles” or ways to achieve the bucket item by taking advantage of the experience of others who have done the same thing. Especially if you expect to begin your bucket list when you retire, this should be an important factor in your retirement income needs planning.
  3. Assign a time goal. I’d like to say deadline, but that might make it not-fun. So, my goal for India is two years, and my goal for languages is to spend at least 3 months and up to six months this year on one specific language, for at least one hour per day and if possible, two. I set the minimum goal so I have some chance of learning something, and the maximum goal because I can easily become bogged down in the “never-enough” syndrome. I also chose 4 languages: Spanish, Esperanto, Italian, & Dutch.
  4. Decide what is good enough. I want a tour of India where the logistics are taken care of and I can count on a guide. In Europe I’m comfortable rambling around on my own, but I don’t want hesitation about language, transportation, and safety to prevent my actually seeing at least something of India.For the languages, good enough for me is being able to travel, read a newspaper, read museum signs and understand a docent tour, and be able to have a conversation with anyone (however imperfect). Sure, I’d love to be able to read novels and be mistaken for a local, and I may decide to develop one of the new languages to that level in the future, but right now I just want to be able to switch around comfortably between a few.
  5. Nibble at it. Much of the fun of a bucket list may well be this planning. I’ve gotten interested in travel hacking–accumulating miles for airfare and especially upgrades. Business class to India, a long ride, would be especially nice. I’m raiding the library for travel guides. Indian authors, contemporary and classic, are calling to me.The web offers a terrific amount of information on how to become a polyglot (a person who speaks a number of languages). There’s practice available, reviews of programs and software, and meet-up groups where you can get over your embarrassment at how badly you speak.  I’m particularly lucky that in Spanish there are plenty of Spanish language television stations in Chicago. Watching the evening news in Spanish, I’ve noticed that the emphasis in coverage is often quite different from English language news.
  6. Begin! It’s easy to blather, but not begun is never done. Turning dreams into reality means making time to sort through what’s important, figure out what (if anything) it may cost and where the money will come from, and actually getting started.

See ya at O’Hare, if not before.

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